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living space 1. 生存空間。2.(房屋的)可居住面積。

living unit

In order to survive a crash , it is first necessary to provide a “ living space ” for the occupants during the dynamic portion of the crash 為了在墜機事件中求生,首先就需要在墜機動態的過程中,為求生者提供一個“生存空間” 。

Polymorphous structure only intersects your living space again , change it from horizontal to vertical , and bring the fresh feeling 遠的空間感。復式結構不過是給你的居住空間以重新的劃分,由橫向轉為縱向,角度的

The most important curricular aim of “ space and shape “ is to let students know , comprehend and grasp the living space better 摘要“空間與圖形”課程的首要目標是使學生更好地認識、理解和把握自己賴以生存的空間。

People usually like to have their living space look it ' s best ! what modern english decoration / improvement phrases are here 人們通常都希望讓自己的家居環境看起來盡可能的漂亮。那么關于裝飾房子有哪些時髦英語呢?

Hot humid climates and hot dry climates with warm winters : shade the building and outdoor living spaces throughout the year 嚴熱潮濕的氣候和嚴熱干燥的氣候條件下,冬季是溫暖的:全年遮擋建筑物和室外生活區域。

Living space is the bedroom that in pointing to the residence , daily life daily life uses , living room of the net area that wait integrated 居住面積是指住宅中日常生活起居用的臥室、起居室等的凈面積的綜合。

Hopsca create a high intensive space contained one person ' s personal space and living space , work space , a social space 豪布斯卡創造的集約空間,將一個人的個人空間、生活空間、工作空間、社交空間包容為一。

In the second place , despite the ever - increasing high - rise buildings , the provision of living space still falls far short of demands 在第二名,盡管持續增長的高層建筑物,生存空間供應仍然落要求遠的短小。

That makes living space of hcc receive the great challenge . just under such a background , we propose hcc development strategy issue 正是在這樣的背景之下,我們提出了霍煤集團公司的發展戰略問題。

They with is it chase these kind of living space to hovering like the epic , it is their natural instincts to be always on the move 她們用史詩般的飛翔來追逐這種生存空間,南來北往是她們的天性。

Losing and regaining the signal and the level of noise becomes another tool to measure a living space or architecture 訊號的強弱,出現與消失,和雜音的大小成為了另一個量度生活空間的工具。

Deep covered balconies or verandahs shade and cool incoming air and provide pleasant outdoor living space 帶蓋的長陽臺或走廊,既可遮陽又冷卻了進入室內的空氣,并提供了舒適的室外生活空間。

Our people will continue their hard efforts and sources best stone material / products to create your ideal living space 公司將繼續以最大的努力及誠意,搜購最好的石材,創造理想的居住環境

On the contrary , the increasement of anion in the living space can directly have the use of health care and treatment 與此相反,增加人類生存空間中負離子數量,可直接帶來保健和治療作用。

Let your living space even had unique and free from vulgarity of style , enjoy the life from this a moment beginning 讓您的生活空間更具超凡脫俗的風格,享受生活從這一刻開始!

Integrate the life and tasty , of the vogue and grace , make to taste living space of omnipresent existence in 整合了生活與品位,世上與優雅之間,使品位無所不在的存在生活空間中

The result is a scramble for living space in the inner city . “ extreme price rises and falls aren ' t good for us , “ mr 李寧說,價格的暴漲暴跌對我們不利,我們需要的是穩定。

Implement of rational distribution of recreational living space in shaanxi with the scientific and developing viewpoint 用科學發展觀實施陜西居住休閑空間的合理布局

An open , often paved area adjacent to a house serving as an outdoor living space ; a patio 內院,庭院緊鄰房間的一塊開闊、通常鋪過的區域,作為室外活動場所;庭院